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March 6, 2016

How Nature’s Laws Help You Succeed Confidently

Complete: Your Application For Coaching TRANSCRIPTION OF VIDEO   I want to talk to you about a subject that I am so fascinated and excited to share with you about going the extra mile. You see, there’s something most people shy away from, and that’s doing more than they’re paid for. But do you realize that’s the key to outgrowing your current place, to expanding your business beyond your wildest dreams, and to making your life grow exponentially in all directions? It is the habit of going the extra mile. The good news is, the majority of…
March 6, 2016

3 Shocking Myths About Talent & Why It’s Overrated

Complete: Your Application For Coaching TRANSCRIPTION OF VIDEO Welcome to your next video, is talent overrated. I’m Vaughan Liddicoat. The very word talent means an innate ability, natural endowment, or superior quality. Recent research in the field of human endeavor has revealed that one of the primary reasons people believe this definition is because there’s no other universally accepted idea. It’s easy to think that because others excel...they’re more gifted, special, or naturally selected towards that field than you are. To me that’s a cop out. It’s a way of you justifying why you don’t step…
March 2, 2016

How To Quadruple Your Results Using Proven 3 Step Model

Complete: Your Application For Coaching TRANSCRIPTION OF VIDEO Quantum leap sounds like a crazy and fanatical, metaphysical, trippy word. Quantum quite literally means to take a leap well beyond what you’ve ever done before, and you can do this in your life and your business. The problem is we’re being trained and conditioned that success is literally logical from A to B, B to C, C to D, etcetera. How about this for an idea, what about going A to D and then D to O and maybe O to Z? Or why not just skip…