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March 4, 2016

How to Quit and Why

Complete: Your Application For Coaching TRANSCRIPTION OF VIDEO Now, this might sound like a bit of a crazy subject for the personal development industry to talk about, it’s probably very much hush hush. Ooh, we don’t talk about that. We only talk about success and, you know, overcoming things. But you know what? That’s true, but we also need to know when to quit. Now, here’s the thing, there’s a very important way to distinguish between the two. See, the problem is most people are quitters. They give up and they frequently give up at the…
March 2, 2016

How To Quadruple Your Results Using Proven 3 Step Model

Complete: Your Application For Coaching TRANSCRIPTION OF VIDEO Quantum leap sounds like a crazy and fanatical, metaphysical, trippy word. Quantum quite literally means to take a leap well beyond what you’ve ever done before, and you can do this in your life and your business. The problem is we’re being trained and conditioned that success is literally logical from A to B, B to C, C to D, etcetera. How about this for an idea, what about going A to D and then D to O and maybe O to Z? Or why not just skip…